Thursday, August 31, 2017


Here I am, just as promised, with my first "truth": the reality of change. In my desire to be more transparent and open with you, I want need to be real about all the changes going on in my life, and how I've grown through them. I am not who I once was, and it's time to own my struggles and triumphs. & Make sure to read to the bottom for a message I wrote directly for YOU.

I wanted to start here because this topic is one I am extraordinarily passionate about, and I'm hoping that it brings serenity to those who need it. Change is soo interesting to me. It can be so painful, but it's so necessary for us to progress. There is no growth without change. These are things you've probably been told throughout events in life that rocked your world. As you know, they're harder to remember in the soul-wrenching moment as you are being pushed to your limits. It's easier to give into the voices that say forget it, I'm done, I don't belong here, I'm not cut out for this than it is to remind ourselves that change is shaping us for greater things.

First, and most importantly of all my changes, I have changed through the transformation of motherhood. I am still me to the core, but so many pieces of my life have modified in becoming a mother! I dreamed and longed to be a mom, but I was taken aback at how daunting life was post-baby. I passionately prepared for my home delivery for nine months and conquered it--the most empowering thing I've ever experienced--yet I was left thinking, what next?? As my organs shifted back to normal. As my body was completely different. As my hair fell out. As my baby screamed and screamed for three long months to no end. 

Even after things became more normal again, it was not the same. It will never be the same. (Now I can truly say that I understand the mom-term, "new normal!") My patience has expanded, my resilience tested, and my eyes opened to the most valuable and important aspects of life. My life is not my own anymore, and I've tried to embrace the journey the best that I can. I'm teaching myself the importance of not comparing to other moms; whether it be physical looks or the level of what they seem to conquer. No matter how strong or perfect they may seem, every mama has a struggle. We all handle our circumstances differently and different trials change us in different ways. 

Secondly, my hobbies have changed and expanded. Between painting & drawing (as always!), writing, modeling, photo-taking, influencing, blogging, exercising and up-keeping a business (all while taking care of myself, the baby, the dog and the house), my time is always full with new endeavors. I have a soul that chases anything creative and potentially successful, which leaves me with armfuls of hobbies and passions. It can be really difficult for me to focus on just a couple things at a time--it's not in my nature--so sometimes I struggle to decide exactly what I need to pursue. Sometimes I have to stop from beating myself up because I feel that my focus is torn. (You may notice changes in my feed's theme now and then; that would be attributed to my hesitation to choose one solid theme or one main goal!) I have found that the most important thing is to remember that everything I feel drawn to is for a reason.

I feel that I could go on and on about some deeper changes in my life, but feel the urge to say something especially for YOU. If you have found yourself struggling with change--whether it be due to motherhood, a new job or hobby, a move or any other life-altering event, stop and take a breath. We tend to put excessive pressure on ourselves when we should be giving ourselves a break more than ever! Things take time... businesses always dip before they start to gain. Instagram accounts don't explode the first day. Scars don't heal overnight. We cannot become who we want to be until we've gone through some tough stuff. That's how change works. And while you're going through that tough stuff, don't forget to increase self-care and remember that you're doing amazing. 

Too often, we see ourselves as "human doings" instead of what we are: human beings. We should not measure our worth off of comparing to others. We should not beat ourselves up for not handling more. We are worth so much just as we are! There is a beauty in figuring out what we're doing with our lives. There is an art in the way we balance different responsibilities and adapt to change as it comes. Remember that. Exhale doubt, inhale peace.


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