Monday, September 9, 2013

my joys

 Meet my sisters (:
Sydney and Dani, and my half sister Abigail, are my greatest joys in life. They replace stresses with humor and sadness with contentment. Nobody's perfect, but they are absolute angels <3

Syd is the second oldest to myself. She has a remarkable ability to round up people around her. She quietly possesses the power of a party-starter. (: She has a sense of genius sarcasm, and uses it in such a way that never offends her peers, but brings them together in many hours of fun and laughter. Syd also has a gentle, caring side to her through which she brings the spirit of peace into the lives of those she associates with. She has a marvelous poetic gift, and expresses herself through writing when she can. "Syd-pid" is the family stylist. She has a sense of fashion that I believe not even some of the most well known designers have. She is absolutely gorgeous naturally, and I believe it is because you can see straight through to her stunning inner beauty as well as outer.

Dani is the youngest (well, not anymore!) out of the girls. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. She's developed into a fine young lady, with amazing homemaking skills. She's better at me in the kitchen... and I've just learned to accept that! Even at her young age, I can see wonderful hints at what an outstanding mother she will be. She also is the family 'techy.' If Syd or I don't know how to work a new item, we'll call for Dani. I'm serious. (: Dani possesses this amazing ability to love all mankind. She's not naive: she exercises her love with caution. But she could fill all of Utah Lake, all of the Pacific Ocean, with her tender care. She loves people, as I do, and I could see her becoming a great many things in the world of adulthood.

Abby is the most adorable toddler you will EVER meet, and I've known a lot of babies through the years of babysitting... I'm sorry. My sister is just the cutest. (: I'll have to post a video of her sometime, she's just so intelligent and witty for her age. She states things and asks questions I haven't ever thought of before. She LOVES to dance, I can see her becoming a fantastic dancer or gymnast.

All of my sisters have a great sense of humor (that I just didn't seem to inherit) and outstanding artistic abilities. I'm so pleased that we all share the love of art together: it's a similar interest that binds us. They/we also love music and all have been blessed to have piano in our lives. I can't wait to see what each of them become on their paths of life. I love them so much.

I challenge you to write (either blog, journal, email, etc) to somehow express how much you love your siblings. Doing this has made me feel so much better and I promise it will do the same to you.

Love you all,


curly girls (:

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