This is a very real thing, and it typically occurs when you're on the brink of something brilliant. Some amazing new door that you can't quite see yet. a new job. a relationship. financial help. an answer to your prayer. I'm learning that there's always this lag--like the snag of a sweater string--that tries to pull you from your goal. Tempts you to give in to the dark lull of discouragement and miss your opportunity.
Literally just around the bend is your next reward for living a productive and good life. I am a very big believer of karma, and the balance of things. I keep a yin and yang bracelet to remind myself that seemingly opposite or contrary forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world, and that they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another. (thanks, Wikipedia.)
There will always be bad with the good. Good with the bad. And that is just how life is.
Look up. Push past the negative lull that might be hanging over your life at this very moment. If you are doing what you can to fight it, your efforts won't be in vain.
Have a lovely evening. I sure am. (:
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