Tuesday, November 11, 2014

regarding life

an excerpt from my latest email to my best friend:

"the lord has a plan for each of us. i've gained a testimony of that, but its taken a lot to get that seed of faith planted. sometimes, what the lord has planned for you is not exactly what you want to hear or do. you know the end result is a wonderful blessing he has hand crafted for you, but you're not quite sure you're ready for your life to change to fit the path that will lead to that blessing. it becomes the thing you want the most, and also the thing you want the least."

i want to bear my testimony that the lord knows what's best.
he knows what we need at different times in life. everything has a time and a reason and a season.
its been hard--oh, so hard--to learn this. but it is turning out to be a marvelously beautiful experience; one that i will never forget.

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