Wednesday, July 3, 2013

feeling peachy

staying with my aunt (who's a photographer) in the beautiful city of Carmel, I was offered a shoot sometime before my departure. well... I got a little impatient. (:

love this girl to pieces. 

I've decided that I really, really love California for the beach. its the most relaxing, rejuvenating place to be in the whole wide world. seriously considering moving somewhere along a coast as soon as possible. I've also decided that I'm starting to crave coffee smells. there are more Starbucks here than churches in Utah.

One thing I keep thinking about. people copy other people way too much. have you heard "everything in life is a remix?" yep. it happens to everyone; we're all interconnected in a chain of copiers. if you're the exception, I applaud you and would like to know your secret. one of my new goals is to completely disconnect myself with that piece of human nature. its the first step to finding myself.

sleep well, love you all.

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