Sunday, January 26, 2014

get real

i've been thinking about my sisters a lot lately (as they moved to kansas over christmas) and getting so hyped to see them again. i took everything for granted with them--i even miss the times we haven't got along so well, haha. i would give anything to be able to just curl up and talk with them right now.

on the subject of younger girls, here are some things i wish i would have known at their age...

+ as good as you want to think everyone is, they're just not. 
+ that being said, try to see the good in everyone. don't refuse to trust people. just be cautious.
+ eat healthy. fuel your body with good things. take care of it, and it will allow you do to anything you wish
+ allow yourself little pleasures in life. notice the beautiful details every day.
+ no matter what the media tells you, you are beautiful.
+ no matter what you believe at the moment, real men want real girls. don't hide yourself--be you, live colorfully, and the right man for you will naturally come!
+ all the money spent on makeup and hair products that didn't ever meet your expectations of beauty will disappoint you. don't seek beauty from products. they sometimes help, but they don't make you a new person.
+ beauty doesn't define you--you define beauty.
+ learn to find joy in exercise. its very important, and if you start liking it now you won't end up like me (struggling to stay fit because i never joined sports).
+ everyone is unique--learn to love people for their individual quirks.
+ you don't need to go to victoria's secret. only to your future husband does it matter what you look like in that way. i've bought walmart underwear, and guess what?? i still look the exact same on the outside.
+ the best therapy is laughter
+ the only thing that matters, when it all comes down to it, is family.
+ love what makes you you. you're not held to impress anyone but yourself. life is not a competition, although it sure seems like it!..
+ sometimes all it takes is a good cry, a hot shower, and mom's homemade strawberry smoothies.
+ don't watch it happen--make it happen.

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